I haven't been doing a great job of blogging (obviously), but I have been trying to get a little activity in as my back has been healing. Gettting in a few squats here and there, burning calories cleaning up the house after my time stuck in bed and taking short walks have helped me to feel less like a bump on a log.
During the clean sweep of the house, I managed to find a very old roll of film that has been floating around the house for years, and after many reminders from my mom I was able to finally remember to drop it off to get it developed. After another week, I finally remembered to pick UP said pictures from Walgreens and Mr. Kawaii and I sat down to go through them last night.
The photos ended up being from waaay back during the first Christmas Mr. Kawaii and I spent together (4 years ago). It was fun to look back to the beginning of our relationship together, but inevitably the thing that I paid the most attention to was how thin I was 4 years ago. I've gained a solid 50 pounds from that Christmas, and at first I got a little down on myself for my "failure" but on my walk this morning I re-thought my stance.
Back when those photos were taken, Mr. Kawaii and I had only been together a few months. Just a year before, I had gone through a terrible divorce. I spent months walking between 3 and 6 miles a day in addition to going to the gym and doing an hour of yoga every morning... I worked out constantly because I was miserable and quite honestly couldn't afford to do anything else. I was in great shape, but I was unhappy. I had no friends, no money, was at risk of losing my apartment and was very unsure of whether or not I'd get another paycheck. Life sucked, and although I fit into some really cute size 8 jeans back then, there is no way I'd want to go back.
I reminded myself again that I haven't gained any more weight in 12 months - which is a huge improvement to where I was, gaining 15 to 20 pounds a year. All I have to do is keep focusing on finding time in my schedule to get exercise in and continue eating appropriate portions and I'll be able to watch that waistline start to shrink. I can do it!
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