Wednesday, June 23

Moses Got A Burning Bush, I Got Burning Thighs

I... Can... Hardly... Move...

This evening we met up with K for our traditional lap-fest, but I wanted to see how quickly we could push through our 2 miles so that I could get back in time to meet a lady who was going to pick up the love-seat we've had for sale (which is still sitting defiantly in my driveway, but that's another blog).

We flew through the first half mile like Olympic athletes.  Able to pace each other without getting out of breath, each step was a challenge but was also amazing.  Children and women adorned our path with flowers.  Men wept at our grace and beauty.  We were champions.

By lap 3, my bottom started to protest the quickened pace and my calves seconded the motion to slow down.  "Just for a moment," K and I said to one another, but we weren't able to regain the greased-lightning pace that we had achieved before.  Still, we weren't lagging.  We kept the average pace we have been walking up to this point, and kept going strong.

... until lap 7.

One of the things we haven't had to battle since we started this track-walking adventure is heat.  The air was still a balmy 83 degrees at 7pm, and by the time we made it to the last half mile of our walk the muggy warm had taken its toll.  I looked longingly at the car where I knew a cold bottle of water awaited me, and K mentioned she was looking forward to ending our evening with some ice cold aquatic beverage.  We trudged on, each step taking infinitely more effort than those that preceded it.  Somehow, through mutual encouragement and complete stubbornness, we made it to the end.

For some reason although I have survived the last couple of weeks (impromptu painting projects included) without many aches and pains, something about walking in the heat today seriously did a number on me.  My back and shoulders were already a tad achy from kneading bread this afternoon but this evening it is my gluteus maximus that is kicking... well... itself.

Looking back on the past week, I've done a lot and I think that I'm long overdue for a day off.  I think tomorrow will be it - giving my buns a chance to rest in peace.

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